Sophie the Tawny Owl's World Tour

Monday, November 20, 2006

The weekend

This weekend, Renée took me to Camden, which is in North West London, and is famous for it's canal, and it's markets. It is a very interesting place! I saw some amazing hairstyles, and some very tall shoes. The best bit was going to visit Renée's favourite shop, Serendipity. It's in the Stables Market and is only open on Saturdays, but has a lovely collection of bits a pieces, a lot of it from India. Sasha, who owns the shop, went to India in September to buy some new things for her shop. I wish I could go there! I had my picture taken with Sasha's dog, Schmoo, who apparently thinks he's a human kid. He loves meeting all the people who visit the shop, and because so many people have photos taken with him, Sasha has started asking for a donation, which goes to Pudsey at the BBC Children in Need charity. We gave £1.

I've been trying to calculate how far I've travelled, and how far I'll have gone when I get to NZ... here's what I've worked out so far:
Horsell to Wood Green - 38 miles
Wood Green to Whitton (and back) - 40 miles
Wood Green to Camden (and back) - 13 miles
So, so far I've travelled about 90 miles... BUT after next Wednesday, I will be going...
Wood Green to Heathrow airport - 23 miles
Heathrow, London to Seoul, South Korea - 5519 miles
Seoul, South Korea to Auckland, New Zealand - 5962 miles
So, that will make another 11,504 miles! Renée and I are counting down the sleeps till we go...


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