Sophie the Tawny Owl's World Tour

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Glenbrae School Grounds

One of the best things I noticed was that school children in New Zealand have a lot of room to play. Renee was going to take photos when the children were out playing, but she forgot...oops! This is a picture of the senior school - Y4 to Y6. Renee's mum teaches the Y6 students. They are nearly finished the year as in New Zealand the school year starts in February and finshes in December, with the summer holidays over Christmas and January.

This is the view of the junior school from the top field. In New Zealand, Reception is called New Entrants, and the children start school on the day they turn 5, not all together at the start of the year.

This is the adventure playground that was built in the last year. The children are all getting very fit and strong from playing on it. They also have some unicycles (which are like bicylcles with on ly one wheel) and some of the seniors can ride right around the school without falling off!

This is the top field where they do athletics sports and play team games. They mostly play rugby instead of soccer in New Zealand. There are only about 160 children at Glenbrae at the moment, so you can see they have a lot of space to play in.


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