Some Australian Owls...
Renée did a bit of research on Australian owls for me. Apparently there are 10 native Australian owls, some of which are similar to British owls. Here are some pictures and information about some of my favourites...
The Australian Barn Owl
Famous for its ghostly beauty and silent flight, the Australian Barn Owl, which is smaller in stature than its northern hemisphere cousins, is a hunter of small terrestrial mammals up to the size of rats, and will take birds up to its own size under cover of darkness. Its calls vary from a breathy hiss to an unearthly shriek.The Masked Owl Living in forest and bushland, the Masked Owl preys upon animals up to the size of possums and rabbits, and birds up to the size of magpies and kookaburras. Masked Owls are almost never found more than 300km inland. They are territorial, will mate for life and the female will usually lay two to three eggs in a tree hollow.
The Lesser Sooty Owl Considered by many to be one of the prettiest owls, the Lesser Sooty Owl inhabits the tropical mountain rainforests of north eastern Queensland.
I'd like to be a Lesser Sooty Owl I think, because I like their silvery colour and big eyes.